Take back control of your hunger

3 weeks to better understanding why you eat…and what you can do.

Understanding is the First Step to Changing

Do you get hit by sudden hunger attacks?
Or do you find youself eating even though you’re not hungry?
Do you often restrict your eating as a reaction to over-eating?
Is eating how you deal with stress too often?

You can break the cycle and take back control with the knowledge and exercises found in the Hunger Course.

The course does a good thing

Cut out hunger attacks and feeding frenzies

Be more effective at losing weight…and keeping it off

Mache deine Mahlzeiten wieder zu bewussteren und befriedigenderen Ereignissen.

Bringe deinen Hunger- und Essensrhythmus zum Vorschein

What’s Covered In The Course?

The course will teach you about hunger in all of its forms (it’s a bit more complicated than you may think).  The course exercises will help you recognize your own individual patterns and then practice new habits to break them.  It was specifically designed to help you change your relationship with hunger and eating.

By the end of the course you’ll be using real, everyday strategies to avoid hunger attacks and make every mealtime nutritious and enjoyable.

Course Outline

  1. Eine allgemeine Einführung
    • Ziele des Kurses
    • Overview
    • Hormone, die den Hunger beeinflussen
  2. Die Arten von Hunger
    • Geschmackshunger
    • Emotionaler Hunger
    • Körperlicher Hunger
  3. Hunger vs Appetit
  4. Deine Umgebung bestimmt deinen Hunger
  5. Emotionaler Hunger
    • Fragen zu emotionaler Restriktion in Journal Style
    • Stressmanagement Strategien
    • Die 4 Schritte um emotionalen Hunger abzulegen >> eine Übung
  6. Körperlicher Hunger
    • Hunger und Sättigung >> den Hungerbarometer von Just Eat It oder die Hungerskala
    • Strategien um den Körperlichen Hunger zu bekämpfen bei einer Abnahmphase
    • Hunger während der Periode (Ladies Special)
    • Das Hunger Journal als PDF dazu
  7. Lebensmittelwahl und Food Prep um den Hunger zu besänftigen
  8. Achtsames Essen

About the Instructor

Aleks Angelova-Brandt is MNU-Certified Nutrionist and CrossFit Coach who has helped hundreds of everyday people transform their lives. The Hunger Course is a result of her overcoming her own struggle with hunger.

Coach Aleks @aleksandrina_aln

Take the course, get a discount on your new coaching membership.

If you decide to join AngeLove Nutrition’s coaching program at any point during or after the course, we’ll apply the price you pay for this course to the cost of your membership!

Starts December 29



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